Request for Proposal Assistance

When clients are seeking new long-term purchases, EES Consulting assists in the drafting and issuance of Requests for Proposals (RFP) to major utilities and power marketers. We routinely follow daily price information from electricity and gas markets nationwide. Our staff handles all respondent questions and requests, thereby protecting the client’s staff from distractions and exposure to confidential proposer information. Through extensive economic evaluations and interviews with proposers, we can recommend a short list of qualified candidates.

On the client’s behalf EES Consulting can negotiate with potential energy suppliers and renegotiate with existing suppliers as necessary. EES Consulting puts together a negotiating team that includes client personnel, experienced energy managers and analysts, and experienced attorneys from our network of energy industry law firms. We establish clear standards of performance along with a timetable to successfully close negotiations. We control the document drafting process to the client’s benefit. We leverage the current competitive nature of energy markets to the greatest extent possible to deliver low cost, reliable, and flexible energy supply agreements for the client’s signature.  Our services in this area are uniquely valuable, as we represent no brokers or marketers. Our only goal is to provide our clients with the best quality commodity at the lowest possible price. We will report necessary accounting summaries of purchased and sold power.

EES Consulting also audits client’s power purchase invoices on an on-going basis for accuracy relative to actual schedules, metering, and contract terms and conditions, including prices. We pursue reconciliation with the buyer and/or seller on the client’s behalf.

Anchorage Municipal Power & Light (ML&P)

An evaluation of multiple generation options and configurations was performed by ML&P and EES Consulting staff. The analysis determined whether the addition of new generation was cost-effective and determined which type of equipment was the best option. Economic comparisons were made for several new resource alternatives. Through a screening process it was determined that several of the new resource alternatives were not sufficient to serve all of the expected load growth for the 20-year study period. Resource alternatives were also considered in terms of reliability, technical and environmental factors.

PPL Energy

PPL Energy engaged EES Consulting to manage an offer of 100 MW of discounted power to load providers in Northwestern Energy’s control area. As the administrator, EES Consulting provided notice of the availability of such power and administered the qualification, subscription and creditworthiness process. In addition, EES Consulting provided an allocation method for allocating the power across subscribers, in the case of over-subscription.