Utility Evaluation

EES Consulting works closely with its clients’ decision makers and key employees to guide them through a constantly changing environment. Increasing pressure to provide services in an efficient manner has led many of our clients to review current operations and policies. This cost pressure has culminated in several federal, state and provincial legislative efforts and introduced new competition into the electric, gas, water and wastewater utility sectors. EES Consulting helps clients understand how to set and implement policies; how to operate efficiently and provides assistance to merging or developing utilities. Through this process we are able to develop a customized approach, develop innovative solutions, make recommendations for improvement and offer assistance with, or take full responsibility for the implementation of each activity.

EES Consulting can assess current market conditions and future market trends. We are in daily contact with decision makers at utilities concerning developing market trends. We actively participate in utility forums, conferences and roundtable discussions. Over the past three years, we have issued RFPs and evaluated responses for power purchases, power plants and fuel supplies on behalf of dozens of clients from as large as 500 MW to as small as 1 MW. We have access to daily price information for all markets.

This broad network of industry contact and experience base allows us to evaluate and recommend several alternative strategies that may range from the renegotiation of existing energy contracts to the merger or acquisition of complementary businesses.

Through the use of focus groups or one-on-one interviews, EES Consulting can poll the opinion of customers concerning utility rates, customer service, communications and overall quality of service provided.